Looking for instructions for checking out assets on the desktop version of K12 Asset Pro? Follow our guide here: https://divotassets.com/knowledge-base/checkout-asset
1) Navigate to Checkout Asset.
2) Scan the asset tag of the item to be checked out.
3) Click on “Select User”
4) Start typing in the name, username, email, or school ID of the user you would like to check out to. If the user has a school ID card that has a barcode with their ID number, this can be scanned.
5) Once you have started to type the list will auto-populate with all users that match what you have typed so far. As you type more it will refine the list until you have found the user you want. Then click on the correct user to checkout to.
6) Click on the Checkout button.
7) The asset is now checked out to the user.